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COVID-19 Update - All Staff

As this situation continues to develop the well being of all our teams and our guests remain the first priority. We have taken steps to ensure this to the best of our ability and the processes put in place are there to maximise the protection of everyone within the business and allow for business as usual.

The steps we have taken are:

· Nicole has distributed two process updates concerning:

o What to happen should you or someone in close contact with you have travelled overseas recently

o Notification of illness to yourself or someone in close contact with you

o Hygiene and Safety practices

· Sanitising materials have been distributed across the business and we are continuing to procure more than sufficient quantities

· New sanitising stations are being installed next week at the entrance of each kitchen, dealership entrance and bathrooms

· All cross business meetings/interactions have been cancelled in an effort to minimise contact across sites

Also importantly for everyone to know is that significant consideration and planning has been given to responding should either one of our team or someone they have contacted be unfortunately confirmed with the virus. We are confident that we can act quickly to respond to such an occurrence.

As to business continuity, we have taken steps to ensure that in the event of disruption, normal business functions can continue. We have systems in place to:

Ø Decentralise functions, with administration, registration and GEC staff being relocated across sites

Ø Set up and test working from home for appropriate functions

Ø Set up of online meeting and conferencing systems

The single most important action we can all take is to follow the hygiene and cleaning processes obsessively and continue to follow the advice as it is released from NSW Health.

If anyone has concerns please do let either your manager or myself know, again the well being of everyone within our business and their families is our primary concern.

Anthony Welsh


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